© Studio-Bainem_UFI-Nairobi_Kibera

Urban Fabric Initiatives week in Nairobi !

Urban Fabric Initiatives (UFI) Week is a bianual event organised by the Urban Fabric Initiatives network. It aims to bring together in one place around thirty network players : UFI operator, members of national governments working in each UFI, AFD representatives, network members and a few additional guests.


News from the Monrovia UFI

The recently launched the UFI Monrovia in Liberia is part of a wider integrated development framework for the city, underlining the importance of a collaborative and innovative approach to improving urban infrastructure.

nairobi Atelier conception - Kahawa Soweto Nairobi 2

Co-design workshops and presentation of final projects

Following the selection of UFI Nairobi's five partner community organisations, the UFI organised four co-design workshops in February. The meetings were essential for tailoring the projects precisely to the realities and specific needs of each neighbourhood and community concerned.