Urban Fabric Initiatives week in Nairobi !
Urban Fabric Initiatives (UFI) Week is a bianual event organised by the Urban Fabric Initiatives network. It aims to bring together in one place around thirty network players : UFI operator, members of national governments working in each UFI, AFD representatives, network members and a few additional guests.
News from the Monrovia UFI
The recently launched the UFI Monrovia in Liberia is part of a wider integrated development framework for the city, underlining the importance of a collaborative and innovative approach to improving urban infrastructure.
UFI Network rendez-vous : a look at the UFI in Kigali and Monrovia!
On 29 April, the UFI teams met for another Network Rendezvous, where they presented the objectives, teams and activities of the new Urban Fabric Initiatives joining the network in Kigali and Monrovia.
One year after the end of the UFI Abidjan: the animation programme team returns to the sites
In April, an assessment and capitalisation mission took place in Abidjan, one year after the closing of the UFI. The management group returned to the sites to assess their use, the sustainability of the facilities and the operation of the management committees (CoGes) that had been set up.
Co-design workshops and presentation of final projects
Following the selection of UFI Nairobi's five partner community organisations, the UFI organised four co-design workshops in February. The meetings were essential for tailoring the projects precisely to the realities and specific needs of each neighbourhood and community concerned.