Atelier conception - Kahawa Soweto Nairobi 2

Co-design workshops and presentation of final projects

Following the selection of UFI Nairobi's five partner community organisations, the UFI organised four co-design workshops in February. The meetings were essential for tailoring the projects precisely to the realities and specific needs of each neighbourhood and community concerned.

Kahawa Soweto Atelier de conception Nairobi

Following the call for initiatives and the selection of UFI Nairobi's five partner community organisations, four co-design workshops were organised in February with the incubator team. This stage enabled the projects to be adapted to the needs of each neighbourhood and community affected by the projects. Discussions between the winning community organisations and UFI highlighted the design changes and their motivations, thereby ensuring transparency and community support.

Kahawa Soweto Atelier de conception Nairobi

At the end of the workshops, the final projects are presented again to the communities involved in the co-design phase, in order to obtain their approval and launch the construction phase.