Around 60% of Nairobi's population lives in informal settlements. These dwellings are characterized by their density, lack of public spaces, inadequate infrastructure and difficult living conditions. As part of the second Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP 2), the Nairobi Urban Fabric Initiative is helping to create inclusive, quality public spaces that meet the aspirations and needs of different communities. These spaces, built hand-in-hand with residents and neighborhood associations, aim to improve the health of local residents, promote environmental sustainability, address social challenges and stimulate local economies.
- Build partnerships between residents and stakeholders to test, design and manage infrastructure projects for small-scale social and community improvement.
- Select, co-design and implement up to 10 urban improvement and infrastructure projects in 3 neighborhoods in Nairobi.
- Support collaborative and experimental learning on participatory design, spatial planning and improving living and housing conditions.
- Build the capacity of key stakeholders (testing, co-design and project management).
- Stimulate rapid mobilization of residents to promote social justice and inclusion.
- Generate new social and economic opportunities both in the targeted neighborhoods and in the region as a whole.
- Driving urban transformation in Nairobi's informal settlements, anticipating and shaping the arrival of future Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP) projects.
- The capacities of existing governance and management structures in targeted neighborhoods are strengthened in order to develop community initiatives in these areas.
- Community initiatives are integrated into government programs to upgrade and improve neighborhoods.
- Residents' ownership of projects, their knowledge, skills and local innovations are taken into account and integrated into the management of neighborhood initiatives.
- Collective action is supported by local authorities and reinforced by strong partnerships with communities and civil society organizations.
- Inclusive urban transformations, in favor of sustainable, livable and equitable urban spaces, are promoted.
The Nairobi Urban Fabric Initiative is being implemented by a consortium made up of Kounkuey Design Initiative (lead partner), Slumdwellers International Kenya and Akiba Mashinani Trust, in close collaboration with the Nairobi City County and Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP) National, which is responsible for the rehabilitation of informal settlements.