
Minecraft worshop

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Inspired by the approach used in the community development workshops run by UN-Habitat, the UFI Dakar team used the Minecraft video game during the co-design phase. This methodology involves building spaces virtually, in teams of two or three people on each computer. The playful nature of the video game is a good way of involving groups that are sometimes more difficult to mobilise, such as young people and women.

The game was deployed in a variety of settings. Whether in the school's computer room or in a ceremonial tent in the middle of the street, the team ran several workshops using this hybrid space, half-real, half-digital, recreating in the game the streets where the participants were physically located. The UFI team then synthesised the many proposals, and took into account the various options put forward, to work on a realistic version of the project in the light of the real constraints, and set about implementing it.