An identification mission for the future Douala UFI
To prepare for the opening of a new UFI in Cameroon, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), GRET and Urbamonde carried out an identification mission to define the contours and launch this new initiative. The Urban Fabric Initiative of Cameroon is part of the Douala and Yaoundé Flood Control Programme (PLIDY).
Define the objectives and priorities of the new UFI in Douala
Carried out in collaboration with the Douala Urban Community (CUD), the mission's aim was to define the areas of intervention for the future UFI.The experts visited sites built as part of PDP 1 and met with local managers and community players to discuss future developments.
These discussions highlighted potential improvements for the drainage and development project to which the UFI will contribute.
A central role in local participatory development
The UFI will be a key element in the participatory development of the areas concerned. The initiatives aim to enhance the quality of life and resilience of the neighbourhoods by involving residents in the design and management of new developments, such as public spaces and sports facilities.
The programme also includes the construction of retention basins in high-risk areas to control flooding.
Call for initiatives
The mission's conclusions will make it possible to launch a call for projects to recruit the UFI operator responsible for carrying out the work.
About the Douala and Yaoundé Flood Control Programme (PLIDY)
The PLIDY project, which is being funded to the tune of EUR 150m, aims to improve the resilience of the cities of Douala and Yaoundé in the face of recurrent flooding. In Douala, the project, considered to be phase 2 of the Pluvial Drainage Project (PDP), will be implemented over 5 years with a budget of EUR 110m, including drainage and urban development works.