
Graduation ceremony at UFI Nairobi

In early October, UFI Nairobi celebrated the graduation of entrepreneurs from the Kahawa Soweto, City Carton and Kayole Soweto neighbourhoods, marking the end of an enriching training and coaching programme.

Kigali UFI - photo site visit 7 (1)

Kigali urban nursery: work in progress

Launched in 2024, the Kigali UFI is being implemented in partnership with the City of Kigali as part of the Kigali Informal Settlements Rehabilitation Project (KISUP).


The first steps towards a new UFI in Ghana

At the end of September, the teams from the UFI programme team left for Ghana. The team carried out a field mission to Tutingli, Bilpela and Lamakara to assess the potential implementation of an UFI to complement the Tamale Urban Resilience Project (TURP). These neighbourhoods have well-structured communities and a crucial need for accessible public spaces, despite limited land availability. The mission also highlighted major health challenges linked to the lack of waste management and sanitation infrastructure.

Mission Douala

An identification mission for the future Douala UFI

To prepare for the opening of a new UFI in Cameroon, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), GRET and Urbamonde carried out an identification mission to define the contours and launch this new initiative. The Urban Fabric Initiative of Cameroon is part of the Douala and Yaoundé Flood Control Programme (PLIDY).